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  1. Toolkit 1: Icebreakers and Introduction

    Events like the Dialogic Method Workshops or Dialogic Spaces are most effective when there is active participation from and interaction among the participants. In most situations, the participants are not known to each other and in all these spaces, the participants do not have any introduction to the Dialogic Method. Hence the activities in this toolkit help set the tone of the session by breaking the silence, getting to know each other and building collaboration among the participants and in introducing dialogue, its need and the principles which are the foundations of the Dialogic Method.

  2. Toolkit 2: Define

    A compilation of stories and activities related to the Define Stage of the Dialogic Method Framework. Define Stage is when the situation is understood in all its elements such as What is the situation, Who are the stakeholders involved and Why are they involved. These stories and activities can be used by the facilitators while delivering the concept of Define, or by individuals as thought experiments to explore their engagement with dialogue.

  3. Toolkit 3: Understand

    The Understand Stage of the Dialogic Method is when, after identifying all the stakeholders, we move to uncovering the layers of Emotion and Perspective of the stakeholders and the Information that gives rise to them. These stories and activities covered in this toolkit can be used by facilitators to help understand and practise the skills and tools involved in uncovering these layers or by individuals as thought experiments to explore their engagement with dialogue, particularly their interaction with others.

  4. Toolkit 4: Solve

    At the Solve Stage, the process of dialogue moves into finding solutions or creating sustainable outcomes for the situation that we have defined and understood. This stage has three steps: Generate Options, Evaluate Options and Actionate. These stories and activities can be used by the facilitator to practise the steps involved in the Solve stage or by individuals as thought experiments to explore their engagement with creating actionable and sustainable solutions in any situation.

  5. Toolkit 5: Roleplay Collection

    Roleplays are simulated problem situations where participants are given a case, paired up with each other and assigned characters. The participants are required to be in the shoes of their assigned character and apply the Dialogic Method to the situation and to engaging with the other part(ies) These simulations are intended to give a close experience to a real life situation, to practise their DM skills. They are also important to help the participants identify the most challenging parts of practising dialogue for them personally, as well as to internalise DM application better.